Saturday 25 August 2007

Don't Be A Pessimist

There was a hunter who bought a bird dog, the only one of its kind in the world, that could walk on water. He couldn't believe his eyes when he saw this miracle. At the same time, he was very pleased that he could show off his new acquisition to his friends. He decided to invite a friend,the eternal pessimist who refused to be impressed with anything. This, surely, would impress him. He invited him to hunt with him and his new dog. After some time, they shot a few ducks and the man ordered his dog to run and fetch the birds. All day-long, the dog ran on water and kept fetching the birds. The owner was expecting a comment or a compliment about this amazing dog, but never got one. As they were returning home, he asked his friend if he had noticed anything unusual about his dog. The friend replied, "yes, in fact, i did notice something unusual. Your dog can't swim." SOME PEOPLE ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE NEGATIVE. DON'T BE A PESSIMIST. BE AN OPTIMIST.

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