Thursday, 2 August 2007

Oily Skin

  1. Washing your face in lime water will leave the skin dry.

  2. Take two to three ice cubes ,put it in a small cloth and rub the cloth in your face.This will give freshness and removes extra oil from our face.

  3. Avoid consuming more oily foods.

  4. Applying rose water with ice water controls the oiliness in face.

  5. Drinking lot of water will help a lot for oily skin.

  6. For oily skin we can mix gram flour,curd and tomato juice to make a pack ,apply it in face for 10 minutes. After it get dries out wash in warm water.

1 comment:

Divya said...

Hi.... I have oily skin.....ur tips are very useful. I have dry scalp can u suggest me some tips for that.