Wednesday, 1 August 2007


Every person wants success in something... Career,Life,Love,etc. Each of us want to be a successful person.We shall see some aspects to succeed extracted from the life of succeeded persons.

  1. Don't feel discouraged by your failure.Try,try until u succeed. Perseverance is the keyword.

  2. Learn something from your failure.Turn your obstacle into a stepping stone.

  3. Having a burning desire is the first step to success.

  4. Desire alone will not lead to success, Efforts u make will bring the difference.

  5. Have positive thoughts.Character brings success.

  6. When u want success, don't hate successful people.Don't be a critic always.
  7. If u want to be a winner,put in 125%. Be ready to do some extra work.This will make u a leader.

  8. Accept your responsibility.

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