Tuesday, 31 July 2007

Easy Tips

To startwith let's have some beautiful beauty tips, ofcourse every human wants to be beautiful in this world.

  1. First and Foremost tip is KEEP SMILING! Smile is a small curve that makes everything straight.

  2. As soon as returning home, Wash ur face by splashing warm water.It'll remove dirt and stores freshness to ur skin.

  3. Steam ur face once in 10 days, those who have dry skin can apply moisturizing cream after steam.

  4. We can use many of our kitchen ingredients to make our face glow! Rubbing tomatoes in our face leaves it bright. papayas can be used as a face pack.

  5. For a natural pinkish lips,we can apply corrianderleaves juice in our lips.

      1 comment:

      Unknown said...

      Hey Meena...me here again. Its great to read all ur tips n information dear. U are really doing a usefull job out there. I have passed this link to my pals too here. Good work da....love, Vanitha