Saturday 18 August 2007

Tips To Build Positive Personality

Positive thoughts brings success. But to develop Positive thoughts there are certain steps to follow. We shall see them now.

  1. Accept Responsibility. Many of us are quick to take credit for what goes right but very few would accept responsibility when things go wrong. Stop blaming others. Responsibility involves thoughtful action. Accepting responsibilities involves taking risks, which is sometimes uncomfortable. But responsible people accept and learn from their mistakes. Take responsibility of your society, your family and to yourself.
  2. Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm inspires confidence,builds loyalty and is priceless.When you have enthusiasm in your work, success comes simultaneously.Enthusiasm and desire change mediocrity to excellence.Show enthusiasm in everything you do.
  3. Smile. Smile is a small curve that makes everything straight. It costs nothing but it creates much. It improves face value. Everyone likes a smiling face. Keep Smiling.
  4. Be Courteous. Courtesy is consideration for others. We can practice courtesy by a warm smile, a thank-you, a sorry, giving your seat to the elderly or to the physically challenged. Scatter the seeds of courtesy wherever you can. Some are bound to take root and elevate you in the eyes of others.Practice Courtesy on a Daily Basis.
  5. Be Understanding and Caring. Relationships don't come about because people are perfect. They come about because of understanding. Everyone likes a caring person. Caring attitude builds goodwill. Don't substitute money or someone else for caring and understanding.

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