1. Negative People
Whenever people succeed in life, petty people will take cracks at them and try to pull them down. When we refuse to fight petty people, we win. In order to fight petty people, you have to come down to their level. This is what they want, because you are one of them. So just ignore.
Don't let negative people drag you down. If you associate with achievers,you will become one. If you associate with thinkers, you will become one. If you associate with givers, you will become one. If you associate with complainers, you will become one.
Remember, a person's character is not only judged by the company he or she keeps but also by the company he or she avoids.
2. Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
Drinking makes a person lose his inhibitions and give exhibitions. Drinking and smoking are glamorized today. There are host of reasons to drink such as: to celebrate; to have fun; to forget problems; to relax; to experiment; to impress; to be fashionable; to mingle; for business purposes. Drinking cost lives. That will be a valid reason to stop.
3. Negative Movies and television programs
Today's kids are learning their attitudes and values from television and movies than from anywhere else. That's how the crime rate is high today!
Let's all stay away and keep our younger generations away from negative influence.